How House, Silver Ridge Ave.
Architect: Rudolph Schindler - 1925
Location: Silverlake, CA
This historical masterwork is considered to be RM Schindler’s greatest achievements because of the evolution of ideas it engendered, not only for the balance between the interior and exterior environments, but also for his revolutionary method of framing its magnificent structure. Schindler found that the standard system was not suitable for contemporary dwelling and developed the &lsdquo;Schindler Frame&rsdquo; by cutting off all studs though-out the house at door height, &rsdquo;to create a continuous visual and structural horizontal line.&rsdquo; He embodied an ecological philosophy early on by eliminating expensive treated lumber in standard floor construction built up of beams and joists and incorporated tongue and groove planking instead. Kristin’s client heavily restored this house which was near deterioration and in spirit of the project, Kristin treated it as a &lsdquo;Master Thesis&rsdquo; and studied the theory and practice behind the home extensively before designing 13 original furniture and lighting pieces and re-interpreting 6 Schindler originals. All pieces were designed on the same mathematical, architectural module and integrated many details from the home. For example, the dining tabletop’s edge features the same detail as the &lsdquo;drip strip&rsdquo; molding running horizontally along the glass windowpanes. Kristin Kilmer has now updated these Schindler designs and offers all of these pieces in sustainable woods, fabrics, metals and eco-resins.